CPSN Workshop (virtual) : La grammaire par le jeu, c’est possible et nécessaire – Haydée Silva

Même si le mariage entre jeu et grammaire peut sembler à certains voué à la mésentente voire à l'échec, une approche ludique est parfaitement compatible avec l'enseignement de contenus grammaticaux, voire nécessaire. Lors de cette conférence, Haydée Silva commencera par explorer les grandes lignes de ce que peut offrir un travail autour de la grammaire […]


CPSN Workshop (virtual) : The Practice of Playful Learning: supports, strategies, and stories from the classroom – Jennifer Ryan

Play is at the heart of childhood. Through play, children learn how to collaborate, how to negotiate rules and relationships, and how to imagine, create, and dream. They learn to solve problems, think flexibly and critically, and communicate effectively. Whether playing with objects, engaging in pretend play, or tinkering with ideas and testing theories, children’s […]


CPSN Workshop (virtual) : Apprendre les sciences en fabriquant et en bricolant – Catherine Emond

L'artisanat et le bricolage sont souvent la partie la plus attendue et la plus appréciée de toute session pour les jeunes participants. Mais comment s'assurer que le plaisir créatif inclut un contenu éducatif, et que l'imagination des participants n'est pas freinée par les exigences de l'évaluation ? Cette session propose des conseils d'animation pour vous […]


CPSN Workshop (virtual) : Designing Learning Spaces – Gustavo Borba and Melissa Lesnovski

How can we improve spaces to make us feel more connected to each other? How can physical spaces help spark ideas and promote creativity? In this webinar, we will discuss the philosophy behind mindful design of learning spaces and provide an opportunity for participants to share both their successes and challenges in designing learning spaces […]


(In-Person/Hybrid) CPSN Workshop : Playful Design Thinking – Gustavo Borba and Melissa Lesnovski

University of Ottawa 100 Louis-Pasteur Private, Ottawa, ON K1N 9N3, Ottawa, Canada

We are thrilled to receive Gustavo and Melissa in Ottawa during their North American Trip! This workshop will be available to participants on-campus at CRX 322 (attached to the Faculty of Education building) as well as online. Using playful design principals, participants will learn how to provoke creativity and ideas from their students using innovative […]


CPSN Webinar: Nurturing a Culture of Play – Jess Amato and Yolanta Krawiecki (for system leaders and administrators)

This webinar is tailored for system leaders and administrators. The Ottawa Catholic School Board and Platform to Play have worked closely with 30 schools over the past two years to create a platform for nurturing a culture of play. Fifty K-6 educators have been engaged in professional learning and development, networking and collaboration, individualized coaching, […]
