British Columbia (BC)
- Babine Elementary Secondary School [EN]
- Brooks Secondary School [EN]
- Hudson Road Elementary [EN]
- École des Sentiers-alpins et Secondaire de Nelson [FR]
- École Collines-d’or et Secondaire de Kamloops [FR]
New Brunswick (NB)
- Bath Community School [EN]
- École Communautaire Saint-Joseph [FR]
- Gagetown School [EN]
- Hanwell Park Academy [EN]
- Terry Fox Elementary School [EN]
- Polyvalente Thomas-Albert [FR]
Newfoundland and Labrador (NL)
- Amos Comenius Memorial School [EN]
- École Notre-Dame-du-Cap [FR]
- Stephenville Elementary School [EN]
- St. Andrew’s Elementary [EN]
- Valmont Academy [EN]
- Vanier Elementary [EN]
Nova Scotia (NS)
- École acadienne de Pomquet [FR]
- École secondaire de Clare [FR]
- Fanning Education Centre / Canso Academy [EN]
- Mount Edward Elementary School [EN]
- Redcliff Middle School [EN]
- Harbourside Elementary [EN]
Ontario (ON)
- École élémentaire catholique St-Michel [FR]
- École élémentaire publique Mamawi [FR]
- Duncan J Schoular Public School [EN]
- McMurrich Junior Public School [EN]
- North Gower Marlborough Public School [EN]
- St. David Catholic Elementary School [EN]
- St. George and Notre Dame [EN]
Quebec (QC)
- École Benoît-Duhamel [FR]
- Kitigan Zibi Kikinamadinan [EN]
- Pierre Elliott Trudeau Elementary School [EN]
Saskatchewan (SK)
- École Monseigneur de Laval [FR]
- St. Anne Elementary School [EN]
- Biggar Central School [EN]
- Birch Hills Public School [EN]
- Queen Mary Public School [EN]
- Riverside Public School [EN]
- St. Lorenzo Ruiz [EN]
- Eaton School Sunwest [EN]