Pierre Elliott Trudeau Elementary


Our project

The PETES Action Plan for its 2022/2023 Play Project will be a version of “Genius Hour”. The project will involve four senior classes (2 from our French Immersion program, and 2 from our English program). The goal is to further integrate and embed our playful approaches of teaching and learning into the overall ethos and culture of the school. The project will involve mixing students from all four classes to work on particular projects based on their mutual interests to increase motivation and engagement. The playful areas of learning will include: Science, Arts, Outdoor Learning, and Nutrition projects – such as, building classroom air purifiers; working with musicians and poets; designing an outdoor education program; and building a school wide nutrition/cooking/entrepreneurship program. Students will have the autonomy to collaboratively explore and create new learning intentions and evaluation strategies. These playful and fun approaches to teaching and learning are expected to increase levels of – student engagement, attachment to staff and classmates; ability to work in teams; enhance leadership skills, confidence, and overall motivation for learning.